Your nose is actually the gateway into some very fine and uplifting experiences you might be missing - even though you are probably more than aware of the smells you want to avoid for their adverse effects.
Here are some good scents that work for me:
Feeling ungrounded?...a little spacey?... Try Eucalyptus Oil and Cedar Oil (5 drops each) on a cotton ball in the area where you are trying to get something done - I affirm that this works for at least some people, namely me! :)
Smelly smells from the outside world that don't dial your personal number - for me it's that indescribable toxin they currently add to laundry detergent and dryer sheets that then floats out and permeates the neighborhood or sometimes the more benign loved one's garlic laden epicurean concoction....if your nose is stressed, try 10 drops of lime and 5 drops of spearmint and filtered water to fill a 3oz. spray bottle to bring the nostril stress level down to peace and harmony in no time. What a relief!
We react like heck to our nose but also blow it off. Treat it to some fineness. You will be surprised how in touch your nose is with your moods.
I like Aura Cacia's scents and while some of them are very pricey, some are quite affordable and it's not necessarily qualitative. Less expensive does not mean less intoxicating.
Only the nose-dead diss Aromatherapy.
Some of these things work very well. I have tried them. Great ideas to share.
I connected to you through another blog.
Some of my deepest memories of life are smells. Why would you think that people do not except that? I guess I live in Marin and take it for granted.
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