Sunday, November 8, 2009


There are places on Earth that have power to rejuvenate and revitalize people. Often these places underlie the decisions to place certain buildings where people gather.

Not that all such places attract every type of person - on the contrary - each person can find the places that rejuvenate them.

St. John's College in Santa Fe with Sun Mountain to the left and Moon Mountain to the right

I'm not sure when Alex and I first started spending time at St John's College in Santa Fe - probably 20 years ago. It's come to be a favorite place - a place we return to again and again because we always feel good when we are there. We sit by the Koi pond and listen to the waterfall. (I was surprised today the Koi were awake because there's already been snow and thawing in Santa Fe this year.)

We spend hours (and $) in the kick-ass book store and we hang out in the "lounge" which has humongous windows with an amazing view of the Santa Fe foothills.

Looking out windows of the student lounge

The vibe here in the land and at the school is a bit austere - relaxingly so for the likes of us. It's very peaceful and contemplative. One overhears the conversation of "bookish" folk and being of that sort ourselves we feel at home here - a haven of sorts where the vibe, for us, is a kind one.

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