Or is that what I want?
I think what I really want is to live side by side with others who may not believe what I believe but who will accept there is reason behind my being against war and any kind of needless killing, whether it be human or animal. I believe the world needs idealists - and I certainly was created as one! If i try to run and hide from that - it just sneaks back and bites me in the ass. The older I get the harder it bites.
I understand there are arguments and that I don't have all the answers but I still have to be true to what's in my heart like all people do. Like everyone, the more I feel people understand where I'm coming from the "better" and more comfortable I feel, but lately I don't feel comfortable, I feel terrible. I feel the sharp line between "conservatives" and "liberals", "republicans" and "democrats" as a biting pain, it cuts my heart in a way very reminiscent of the heartbreaks I felt when I first fell in love and understood what true love really entails.
I can't believe 30,000 troops are being sent to Afghanistan and that we still can't wake up to how wrong it is to kill families: mothers, grandmas, children, fathers, brothers in other countries just because they practice a different religion or aren't American or because we want what they have. These are our fellow human beings and there is no logic, no fear, nothing anywhere that makes it OK for us to kill each other! But there I go again....
It's hard not to band together with those who share the same comfort zones and to feel that everyone else is an "alien." As an idealist I'm in the unfortunate position of not being able to just move on as if all of the hate and fear flying around doesn't effect us all. I believe in love and I believe every one of us is connected.
On that note, I don't usually get a Christmas tree because I don't like the idea of chopping down a perfectly good tree just to stick it in the house for a few weeks and then throw it into landfill a few weeks later .

Love wins in the end every time but how much sweeter could it be if we gave each other freedom and liberty and justice too.
1 comment:
I get what you are saying and collateral casualties are unacceptable in my world. I do know that we are not even close to a perfect planet and wars do have a part historically in all civilizations through out the history of man. But we are not there yet. There are people that hate everyone that is not like them and those people suck. I believe that what is happening in AF. is necessary although sad...
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