First I got to sleep in - my back appears to be healed and I slept ALL NIGHT - I've been lying awake half the night for a few weeks.
I've been trying to negotiate some support at work. I have some radically high maintenance clients and my team is not backing me up. I wrote a desperate email on Friday night arguing my case and several higher ups came through with real game plans that should make next week maybe something like normal.
Alex makes the BEST breakfast burritos - and he put those together while I ran around the house rounding up rain gear for our trip to Santa Fe. The weather forecast this morning was 70% precipitation but we really needed to get out of town. And sometimes a walk in the rain is a very good thing.

We headed up Old Pecos Trail to meet our friend Sally at Peyote Bird's Tent Sale. Sally and I worked together at PB 16 years ago - but I've been long since gone while Sally's still hanging in there. I got a bag full of amazing bling for ridiculous prices. If you have nothing to do tomorrow and need some new jewels and you live in Northern NM then the sales on tomorrow too- 414 Old Taos Highway - you'll see the tents.
It was raining cats and dogs - so Sal, Al and me went to an old favorite spot Downtown Subscription on Garcia Street for some Joe and to catch up on life.
By then, the rain had died down and we headed up the mountain for some mushrooming. There was no one on the roads - which were covered with rocks from the storms. Almost at the top and two punksters stranded by the side of the road waved us down....they had a flat and no jack. I'm still lame on changing tires - and apparently the punk girls were too. We stood by while super-Alex changed the flatter than a pancake tire with a really crappy jack! At a certain point he got one of the punk girls to join in and finish up the job. I am always heart full of gratitude for how automatic it is for him to help people (and animals) in need and also for the diplomatic - unloaded way he handles stuff.
Finally we made it up to the top - and headed down the Windsor Trail - almost right away I found a little cache of Chanterelles.
It was breathtaking up there. Nothing can compare to the beauty, the amazing scents and the sounds. It's like visiting paradise. We were in the forest until dusk and then headed home to Albuquerque.
After all the crap that's been going on - I'm really grateful for a perfect day of friends and strangers and beauty.
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