My FB friend Bharati has been writing alot lately about good deeds and walking our talk. Her
daily reminders have gotten me to spend a bit of serious time thinking about what I want to do and what I actually do and the difference between the two.
I love spring water and go through about 6 liters a week....Trader Joe's spring water...the kind that comes in plastic disposable bottles. My partner drinks about the same so that's 12 plastic liter bottles/week in our recycling bin. It's not headed towards landfill because I am a religious recycler. But it is wasteful, IMO, when I consider all the effort and energy that goes into this bottle that I will drink from for a day and then toss only to repeat those effort and energy requirements. This weekend I went out and got a drinking water jug that I can use and reuse. I admit I wanted glass just couldn't find it so I got a BPA-free plastic jug. And that's going to replace my TJoes water. No more plastic drinking bottles in the recycling.

Another - most likely harder one - is all the to-go cups I run through. My partner and I duck out for coffees or teas every other day and bring them back to the office. Our office trash bins have quite a collection of to-go cups in them by the end of the week. So part two of cleaning up my drinking act was to order a Nissan drinking cup which I hope, pray and demand of myself to remember when I'm heading to Annapurna's for tea or Guiseppe's for my Americano. To me these two little acts represent a bit more sanity taking over areas of my life where my actions don't yet jive with my ideals.
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