I'm having a recurring fantasy of someone (pick your super hero) mowing a huge swath in a perfect circle around the Earth. It will be a path people can walk and stay safe on. It will be a pathway that goes around and around and around with no end. People can safely walk it with their children's children's children but in my fantasy they won't move off the mowed swath until they tolerate. I mean this:
My fantasy imagines all the one-way people walking this swath - and I don't for one minute mean just the religious kind - I mean every single human being out there who is compelled to diss down, scorn, mock and nay-say whatever is not their schtick: those peeps who in order to keep their own world conception going - must attack other people doing things a different way.tol·er·ate/ˈtäləˌrāt/Verb
1. Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference.
(The tolerant ones are gonna be rockin' the world in my fantasy. We're gonna be dancing, singing and sharing food. We're going to respect and honor creativity and all that means. It's gonna be a Golden Rule World!)
I know I'll find raw-foodists, conventional foodists, organic, and non-organic folks, democrats, republicans, gays, straights, bis, and trans, atheists, every religion, every brand of MBTI, every astro-sign, every kind of group in this bigger group no matter which sub-group makes you feel like king of the hill. If you need to attack and dismantle other's world views to hold onto your own - in my fantasy you get to be walking the path with the one-way people. (from time to time you will find me there too - it is afterall a fantasy: a hope for the future!)
I admit I feel infuriated these days by people who can't hold their own ground without putting others down. Find your place and stand proud people! You could be so, so not like me and I will clasp your hand and shout to the sky "well done" - looking you straight in the eye - human to human - if you can carry your banner without intolerance for people who don't mirror you to you.
We aren't all cut out of the same mold. We don't, in fact, share the same perspective in space, time or experience.
Find your place, that place you choose and know to be true for you, and stand your ground folks. We are learning to be who we are. That's got all kinds of evolutionary possibilities. Free will, independence, peer based creativity .... mutual respect, courage, strength.....